Ibrahim Bin Mansur

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ESP32 Web Server with FreeRTOS

Implemented a web server on ESP32, using FreeRTOS for efficient task management.

Technologies: ESP32, FreeRTOS, C++, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, IoT

Project Screenshot

RF Communication with ESP32

Established RF communication between two ESP32 devices using the RadioHead library.

Technologies: ESP32, RadioHead Library

Project Screenshot

Text Recognition using ESP32-CAM and OCR

Used an ESP32-CAM to capture images and perform OCR with Tesseract.

Technologies: ESP32-CAM, PlatformIO, Python, Tesseract OCR, OpenCV

Project Screenshot

Human-Object Interaction Detection (HOID)

Developed a CNN for detecting human-object interactions in images.

Technologies: OpenCV, Machine Learning, CNN, Python3, Keras-TensorFlow

Project Image 2

Landmark-based Localization for Indoor Delivery Robot

Developed a localization system for indoor robots using landmarks.

Technologies: ROS, C++, Python, QT, OpenCV, Gazebo, ESP32-CAM, Linux

Project Screenshot